Leathercraft Recipes/Levels 71-80

Saurian Gloves of Striking Icon.png Saurian Gloves of Striking
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Undyed Felt Icon.png Undyed Felt
Twinthread Icon.png Twinthread
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Raptor Sinew Icon.png Raptor Sinew
Saurian Gloves of Healing Icon.png Saurian Gloves of Healing
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Undyed Felt Icon.png Undyed Felt
Twinthread Icon.png Twinthread
Raptor Sinew Icon.png Raptor Sinew
Saurian Gloves of Casting Icon.png Saurian Gloves of Casting
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Hippogryph Leather Icon.png Hippogryph Leather
Raptor Sinew Icon.png Raptor Sinew
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Skin Icon.png Saurian Skin
Shroud Tea Leaves Icon.png Shroud Tea Leaves
Saurian Shirt of Striking Icon.png Saurian Shirt of Striking
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Hippogryph Leather Icon.png Hippogryph Leather
Undyed Felt Icon.png Undyed Felt
Twinthread Icon.png Twinthread
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Saurian Trousers Icon.png Saurian Trousers
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Hippogryph Leather Icon.png Hippogryph Leather
Raptor Sinew Icon.png Raptor Sinew
Saurian Tabard of Aiming Icon.png Saurian Tabard of Aiming
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Hippogryph Leather Icon.png Hippogryph Leather
Darksteel Rings Icon.png Darksteel Rings
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Saurian Gloves of Aiming Icon.png Saurian Gloves of Aiming
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Hippogryph Leather Icon.png Hippogryph Leather
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Raptor Sinew Icon.png Raptor Sinew
Saurian Crakows of Casting Icon.png Saurian Crakows of Casting
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Undyed Felt Icon.png Undyed Felt
Twinthread Icon.png Twinthread
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Carbuncle Armchair Icon.png Carbuncle Armchair
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Ruby Icon.png Ruby
Hippogryph Leather Icon.png Hippogryph Leather
Undyed Woolen Cloth Icon.png Undyed Woolen Cloth
Apkallu Down Icon.png Apkallu Down
Cobalt Ingot Icon.png Cobalt Ingot
Carbuncle Rug Icon.png Carbuncle Rug
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Ruby Icon.png Ruby
Jute Yarn Icon.png Jute Yarn
Hippogryph Leather Icon.png Hippogryph Leather
Raptor Leather Icon.png Raptor Leather
Saurian Boots of Striking Icon.png Saurian Boots of Striking
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Undyed Felt Icon.png Undyed Felt
Twinthread Icon.png Twinthread
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Saurian Bandana of Striking Icon.png Saurian Bandana of Striking
50 ★★★
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Undyed Felt Icon.png Undyed Felt
Twinthread Icon.png Twinthread
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Saurian Belt of Healing Icon.png Saurian Belt of Healing
Lightning Cluster Icon.png Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Darksteel Nugget Icon.png Darksteel Nugget
Raptor Sinew Icon.png Raptor Sinew
Saurian Belt of Striking Icon.png Saurian Belt of Striking
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Darksteel Rivets Icon.png Darksteel Rivets
Saurian Belt of Casting Icon.png Saurian Belt of Casting
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster
Saurian Leather Icon.png Saurian Leather
Terminus Putty Icon.png Terminus Putty
Rose Gold Nugget Icon.png Rose Gold Nugget
Twinthread Icon.png Twinthread